Silence is a virtue which must be aspired by all of us especially in
the present world where this value is held at the lowest place.
People are constantly communicating through media. But, when we
speak of the morality of silence, silence can become an immoral thing
by two ways first by keeping silence when the morality requires one to
speak against the immoral things, and secondly by not keeping silence
when the prudence requires one to keep silence. Let me elaborate on
these two points.
Being a responsible member of the human family it is our duty to raise
our voice to educate, motivate, and persuade the people to fight for a
good cause. Many a times we simply keep silence even when we see that
things are not taking place the way they are ought to be. By keeping
silence we also become in instrument to perpetuate the evil in the
world. Our guilty silence will help the world only to become a worse
one where morality is not respected.
I think in the modern world it is not culture and eloquence that are
prized, but silence. It is written: By thy words thou shall be
condemned. Hence why should we rush into the danger of perdition by
speaking, when may be safe by keeping silence? I have seen many falls
into sin by speaking, but hardly a single one by keeping silence.
Hence he is wise who can be silent. We can say that one of the root
causes of many immoral activities might have sprung from the tongue.
For example the people to plot to murder and robe another human being
is started by the wrong speeches they engaged in if only one keep
silence one may not enter into many of the evils.
As conclusion I would say the humanity must vehemently speak against
all the immoral activities, and must keep silence when the prudence
requires it. By correct use of our faculty of speech we can build a
morally good world.
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