Friday, June 17, 2011

AUTHORITY.Prajwal Joseph A.



          An authority is a person or group having a right to do or to demand something including the right to demand that other people do something.


        Two topics have dominated philosophical discussion of authority.



1.     The nature of authority.

2.     The point of authority.


  1 The nature of authority.

            What is authority? Authority is a relation matter: A has authority over B with respect to some one whom domain D. what follows is first a consideration of items A B and D that enter into this relationship and them of the nature of the relationship among them.


2 The point of authority.

    What is point authority? Is there anything of value realized through?

Such relationship?

      Razz has written that the normal way of justifying authority is to show that those subject to it act better on their other reasons for action under authority than they would in the absence of authority the calls this the normal justification thesis practical authority provides a serves –that is the service   of enabling persons to act more responsibly.



The English term rooted in the Latin "auctor'' meaning producer of a work artist, founder of a proposal , author of a piece of information or warrant for its truth authority this. Refers to a person who is the source, originator or warranty for something.   




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