Deathsperes no one can affirm with certainty that we all fall prey to death sooner or later. Modern society wants to evade the question of death. The death of many people unknown to us in war, famine or disaster comes to us only as sensational news through media. Death of others is perceived as external to us as if it cannever happen to us. We like to concider our own death as exernal either by denying it subtly or placing it at the final stage of llife with a self-assurance that we have not yet reached there.
Death is perceived as an admission of human failure; it is hard to accept the fact of death in a world dominated by science and tecnology. We humans would be convinced of our own death by recognizing that other living being end up dying. But, intoxicated by the idea of progress, we think that we can indefinitely post ponde the hour of death. Edgar Morin admits that his unrealistic hope of immortal existence has led him to divorce life from death before he could admit that is rooted in the mystery of life. We have the right to the scandalized by all repressive forms of death, as would say Herbert Marcuse, according to whom we should neither glorify deathnor fear it.
The false triumph of homo technologicus to be able to overcome death having failed, scholers began to come to terms with death. The path of death should lead us further on the path of life and the letter should lead us deeper into the former. Life and death are insepparably related to one another. Death belongs to life. The act of dying is the act of the living. Montaigne has rightly said that philosophy is to learn to die.
For heidegger, who revives the pre-socratic traditon,human person is being-towored-death. Death does not lie the endof life; it pervades the entire life. As soon as I am born, I enter into the flow of time spanning from birth to death; I am thrown in to death. Death is my ultimate thrownness. Death is my way of being-in-the world. It standa for the radical finitude that characterizes all human experience. However, death is unique and singular to everyone. If there is something that is not shared,it is my death; it always escapes me; even when I will be dead, I do not possess it. Death is a part of my everything, which escape me.
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