Virtue ethics
Virtue ethics describes the character of a moral agent as a driving force for ethical behavior, rather than rules (deontology) or consequentialism, which drives rightness or wrongness from the outcome of the act itself rather then character.
(Encyclopedia on ethics)
Virtue is an important character one should have .virtue ethics drives rightness or wrongness from the outcome of the act itself. `` No good tree gives bad fruit and bad tree gives good fruit". Many of us judge the people based on this statement which naturally hider us to see the good in bad people. Many of the good people whom we think are not good and whom we think bad is not really bad. When it is in the level of living being, it may be true, but living being like human being it never fits.
I mean Human being beyond all these things .Virtue ethics deals with virtue rather than character. What is the difference between Virtue and character? Virtue is the outcome of the act itself but character stands for the person with it`s past experience also. A student who studies virtue ethics could differentiate and make it practical. Why can not we make difference? Let us try and understand practically what virtue ethics is by our own lives.
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