A morally sound person who cares for other human being and society
will always be gentle. We can say that the distinguishable trait of a
morally upright person is gentleness. Gentleness is a value and
quality in one's character. Gentleness can be viewed as a refinement
of character; in difficult times, a thoughtful approach can serve as a
model for others; when one thinks only of oneself, and not also of
others, then it is easy to hurt others unintentionally. It's true that
we live in a harsh world, but it's also true that gentleness invades
that harshness with its own kind of beauty.
Gentleness is a way of life, showing our love in how we interact
with people, and things. Like any way of life, gentleness has to be
practiced for us to become more gentle. If we want to become more
gentle, we must take active steps, that is (1) choosing to be more
gentle, (2) keeping this resolution in mind, (3) acting in gentleness,
and (4) catching ourselves when we are not gentle so that we can be
more aware of our gentleness or lack of gentleness in the future.
Gentleness means recognizing that the world around us is fragile,
especially other people. It is recognizing our own capacity to do harm
and choosing instead to be tender, soft-spoken, soft-hearted, and
careful. When we are gentle we touch the world in ways that protect
and preserve it. Being gentle doesn't mean being weak; gentleness can
be firm, even powerful. To behave in a gentle manner requires that we
stay centered in our own values and strength -- that we are active
rather than reactive. Coming from this center, a gentle word or touch
can channel our energy into healing or making peace. One of the main
themes of Plato's Phaedo is the idea of the good life. But what is the
good life? According to Plato what is most central to the good life is
not the consequence of maximized bodily pleasures; rather it is the
kind of life that best serves the nature of the soul. Discovering the
nature of the soul can only be discovered through the practice of
A gentle person will surely contribute greatly to build a morally
sound and good society, for a gentle person can never hurt the
feelings of others. The root cause of many of the immoral activates
is the hurt people received from others. There fore by being gentle
we contribute greatly to build a just and moral society.
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