"The universe is a family where we, the human beings live in relation called siblings "
These are the words taken from one of the Tamil hymns' .I think this truth must be recognized or realized.I went through few books on concept of universe which I found most of them have included the creation story Which I would find less concern about it now ,because our concern should be what our experiences are today in the world rather than arguing about different creation story. Here I would like to shortly explain universe in the context of being.
Universe is a place for Living
The universe is a place where all beings live. This is an un imaginable to think about the universe without beings which includes living and non living beings.. etc.. This universe stands very good and pleasant if we make use of it. How to make use the world ? is the reflective question for each one of us today. The universe has got so many good thing like trees, birds, animals…… beyond all Human beings. Are these being really help us to live peacefully today? Most of us would have difficulty in answering this question, because I have included human beings in general which naturally includes the human being who harmed us physically and mentally also.
"The universe is a family where we, the human beings live in relation called siblings "It is really challengeable to think the universe as family when we have closed heart that never gives hands to the other. I can explain about the universe with so many vocabularies which would be meaningless when it is not experienced by our own. The only way of being happy and make use of the world is helping each other. let us do that and to find the meaning in life.
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