Saturday, June 18, 2011

SIN, Milner Vithayathil

We all heard in class of philosophy of god, sin is the breach of love.
but we can't deny fact of consciousness. To a certain extent, with
the agreement of consciousness one can commit a sinful act. Though law
give much distinction in wrong actions, there is human corner or we
should consider little humanness in all sinful acts. There are many
factors that make a sinful act. Judging a man for commiting murder can
go wrong. Circumstances play a key role in many sinful acts. I am not
justifying any act by explaining the outer layer. still I can assure
that there is no perfect sin. I have a strong view that no sin is
perfect. There is always a loop hole for all sins. No man is wrong.
Way of rightness sometimes go wrong , to that I may call as sin. This,
so called sin is the mistake of right
A sin is an act that violates a known moral rule. The term sin may
also refer to the state of having committed such a violation.
Commonly, the moral code of conduct is decreed by a divine entity,
i.e. divine law. Sin may also refer to refraining from action or
simply desiring to act in violation of a moral norm. Fundamentally,
sin is rebellion against, or resistance to, the direction of supreme
authority, and enmity toward, avoidance of, or hatred of the good. Sin
may also refer to something within human nature that has a proclivity
to sin.
"Sin" is often used to mean an action that is prohibited or considered
wrong. In some religions , sin can refer not only to physical actions
taken, but also to thoughts and internalized motivations and feelings.
Colloquially, any thought, word, or act considered immoral, selfish,
shameful, harmful, or alienating might be termed "sinful".
An elementary concept of "sin" concerns acts and elements of mundane
earthly living that one cannot take into transcendental living. Food,
for example, while a necessary good for the (health of the temporal)
body, is not of (eternal) transcendental living and therefore its
excessive savoring is considered a sin. A more complex concept of
"sin," elaborated from Catholicism, deals with a distinction between
destructive (deadly) sins (mortal sin) and the merely dishonorable
(harmful) sins of careless human living (venial sin) frequently
tolerated by societies as a whole, or even encouraged by various
cultures. In that context, mortal sins (sacrilege, murder, mortal
violence, devastating calumny, hatred) are said to have the dire
consequence of mortal penalty, while sins of careless living
(gluttony, casual or informal sexuality, constant play, inebriation,
gambling) have been philosophically regarded by some as essential
spice for "transcendent" living, even though these may be destructive
in the context of human living (obesity, drunkenness, vagrancy,
infidelity, child abandonment, criminal negligence).
No man is perfect
No man can't be perfect
Raise above to be perfect

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