Wednesday, June 15, 2011

UNITY, Anjo Valikudath

We need strength to successfully live on this earth. There are various means to be powerful. Unity is one of them. So, it is said that unity is strength.A unity in our understanding of life and the cosmos will reduce alienation among the elements of life and give an authentic wholeness. It will open us up with joy where we were, before, closed down with fear. For human life there seem to be four problem areas. These reflect him essential relationships: they are the relationships of humankind with nature, of human with human, of human with self, and of humankind with the universe. These four areas represent the components of the human environment: the natural, the human or social, the inner or psychic, and the cosmic or universal; and the order of presentation is the natural order of progression in life. Resolution of these relationships needs recognition that each level integrates the previous and also provides liberation from their tyrannical aspects, and unity of vision, whether conscious or organismic, to perform the integration and balance needed for full life. Another value of unity will be a reduction in alienation among the divisions of knowledge. The actual division of knowledge into disciplines in any culture reflects, among other factors, a balance between the needs of specificity and accuracy and the needs of communication and wholeness of vision.Sometimes we are not strong enough to fight our deadly enemies. But if we be united our combined effort will knock them down. There is a saying, 'United we stand, divided we fall'. We can break individual sticks easily. But we cannot break all the sticks bound together. Such a poor binding is really full of advantages for us. So, we should realize the value of unity. In a word, unity means oneness, or togetherness. When there is oneness there is likely to be more strength in opinion, more strength in action, and more strength in character. This is a very simple and obvious fact that, if one person tries his hands on some job, he will manage much less than what a group effort will achieve. Let us consider and understand that, unity is the password which heals all bruises big and small. It is this that helps us enjoy few happy moments of life. In the good moments of a marriage, in the sad moments of sickness and death, it is the unity of the well wishers that makes the pleasure great and despair less. This is the unique power of unity.

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