Thursday, June 16, 2011

DISCIPLINE,Arul Jeba Packiaraj Y.


Arul Jeba Packiaraj Y.

 Discipline is derived from the Latin word 'disciplinare' which implies obedience. Discipline in general is orderliness, obedience, self control and the capacity to co-operate. The type of discipline varies according to the status of the individual concerned. In our experience who is a strict disciplinarian? As my experience my Grandfather was a strict disciplinarian. When he was eighty years old man he used to get at 4.00am in the morning. He followed the system from his childhood, early to bed and early to makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. The secret for longevity id also discipline. When a man is disciplined, he is healthy; he is at peace with himself and sleeps well. The system of discipline is mot written anywhere.

The maintaining order is something that you may have heard. This discipline is a system of rules to be maintained not only for self but for others also which is very essential for the wellbeing of any living being. Without discipline we will not only have hurdles, but also pain, suffering and will invite unwanted circumstances.

The moral discipline starts at home; there are those who would denigrate the home. They would take children from the bosoms of our mothers and substitute the learning of the state. These days it is some Marxist, godless dogma taught by radicals' teachers and professors. Our home teaching should center on morals and faith – in God. Too many of the rising generation lack this kind of grounding. Thus, too many are going wayward without the inner compass needed to tell right from wrong. We must declare the essential need to keep the commandments of God and to walk uprightly before Him in soberness, or in other words, with reverence. Each must be persuaded that service and sacrifice for the wellbeing and happiness of others are far superior to making one's own comfort and possessions the highest priority. Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.

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