Thursday, June 16, 2011

GOD, Milner Vithayathil

The best definition that can give to God is to utter nothing. This may
be the most perfect definition that can be attributed to God. The
question of who is God(who-ness)is not our interest,but we need to
satisfy what do you mean by God(what-ness). There are many factors
that constitute the concept of God. It may be tradition,custom,belief.
But there is inseperable correspondance between morality and God
To insist: "If God is dead, everything is permitted", is a rather
extreme view, and one which has difficulty holding up under rational
scrutiny. The implication is clear; that morality is utterly dependent
upon religion, and cannot be justified in any other way. For morality
to require God in such a way, there must a direct link joining the
two, i.e. that morality is defined by God.
Although Plato demonstrated the logical independence of God and
morality over 2,000 years ago , the belief that morality requires God
remains a widely held moral maxim. In particular, it serves as the
basic assumption of the Christian fundamentalist's social theory.
Fundamentalists claim that all of society's ills - everything from
AIDS to out-of-wedlock pregnancies - are the result of a breakdown in
morality and that this breakdown is due to a decline in the belief of
One argument often used by Christians trying to prove the existence of
their God is as follows: If God does not exist, then there are no
objective moral values. There are objective moral values. Therefore,
God exists.
Those who use this argument also claim that Atheists cannot have any
basis for acting morally; they grudgingly admit that Atheists can act
morally, but insist that we have no rational, secular grounds for
doing so. Belief in God demands to be moral, such a way that one
should repect the morality. It gives a better ground for morality. It
help us to hold good values and give proper priority to our values. it
widen our outlook, prosper our vision and enlighten our deeds. if
there is no belief in God, our life will be undirected,there will be
any hope and there won't any aim to our life

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