Detachment also expressed as non-attachment, is a state in which a person overcomes his or her attachment to desire for things, people or concepts of the world. In other word detachment meant like being away from the worldly happiness and saddness.We human beings like attaching things for our present and future generation. But we fail to detach the things which can give tempory enjoyments. As I understand the detachment means like having things more. We don't give to the needy because we have attachment to the things. Detachment as release from and consequently from suffering is important principle, or even ideal.
Christianity view: Ignatian emphasis of Christian spirituality emphasizes interior freedom. To choose rightly, we should strive to be free of personal preferences, superfluous attachments and performed opinions.St.Ignatius of Loyola counseled radical detachment "We should not fix our desires on health or sickness, wealth or poverty, success or failure, a long life or short one."
Our one goal is the freedom to make a wholehearted choice to follow God. Most Christian dem-ominations never mention detachment in general. Many other spiritual traditions identify the lack of detachment with the continuous worries and restlessness produced by desire and personal ambitions. The essence of detachment is for man to turn his face towards the courts of the Lord, to enter His presence, behold His Countenance, and stands witness before Him. De-tachment is a central concept in Zen Buddhist philosophy. One of the most important technical Chinese terms for detachment in English is 'no thoughts. 'Therefore, detachment is being det-ached from one's thoughts. It is to separate oneself from one's own thoughts and opinions in details is to not be harmed mentally and emotionally by them. In Religious circle we use the ter-m 'renunciation'. The Hindu view of detachment comes from the understanding of the nature of existence and the true ultimate state sought is that of being in the moment. In other words, while one is responsible and active, one not worries about the past or future. In detachment is towards the result of one's actions rather than towards everything in life. One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the SupremeLord, is unaffected by sinful action, as the lotus is untouched by water.(Bhagavad Gita 5.10).So detachment plays a vital role in all the religion and so on.
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