Friday, June 17, 2011



            "One of the most subtle burdens God ever puts on us as saints is this burden of discernment concerning other souls. He reveals things in order that we may take the burden of these souls before Him and form the mind of Christ about them. It is not that we bring God into touch with our minds, but that we rouse ourselves until God is able to convey His mind to us about the one for whom we intercede".

                                                                        Author: Oswald Chambers

Discernment is a term used to describe the activity of determining the value of a certain subject or event. Typically, it is used to describe the activity of going past the mere perception of something, to making detailed judgments about that thing. As a virtue a discerning individual is considered to possess wisdom and be of good judgment especially so with regard to subject matter often overlooked by others.

It is a mental process that helps us to perceive the differences between good and bad enabling us to shift between valuables and non valuables. In this materialist world, we are exposed to numerous allurements through sensual attractions and advertisements. We are faced with numerous choices to choose from. It helps us to assess our actions in the back ground of the ideals and values we cherish. It should be exercised honestly in the full light of critical thinking and deliberate reflection. It considers the facts and rejects thoughts and feelings that are biased and prejudiced. It helps people to refine their character, gives scope for the practice of the values of integrity, sincerity, frankness and openness. Discernment gives insight into problems creates clarity of vision and develops an open mind.    

"Discernment" is also a term used in Christian tradition to describe the process of discerning Gods desire for one's life. In large part, it describes the interior search for an answer to the question of one's vocation, namely, determining whether or not God is calling one to the married life, single life, religious life; ordained ministry or priesthood (Roman Catholic or Anglican/Episcopal) or any other ministerial calling by virtue of Baptism. The concept is not limited to ordination or vowed life

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